Monday, April 30, 2012

Nyan Waits

nyan waits
 Concept / Animation: Kevin Weir    
 Music: Nathan Hess and Tom Vassallo 
 Vocals: Ian Downey
 Code: Rajkumar Kuppuswamy
 The Meme: Nyan Cat

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Modern Living


Han Hoogerbrugge (born October 11, 1963, Rotterdam) is a Dutch digital artist living in Rotterdam. Hoogerbrugge started out as a painter and cartoonist until he found the internet in 1996. He is the creator of the extremely popular Modern Living Neurotica series as well as his current interactive series Hotel, created for the online SubmarineChannel. Han has also created prints and drawings that have appeared in galleries such as the Centraal Museum Utrecht in the Netherlands as part of their collection as well as Museo Tamayo in Mexico City and in the Design Museum in London. He has recently completed a book of his work, which was published in September 2008. source Wikipedia

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Keep Fred Alive  Keep Fred alive,  Fred´s heart stopped beating give him a save living shock treatment, please hurry up.



Upload an image for the color-bars effect ... color-bars, color-sketch. cube, dollar-bill, equalize, legoz. lightning, mirror-copy, monochrome, negative. sepiatone ...

Friday, April 27, 2012


Feeling stressed? take a break think mindfulness at with or without guidance in two or ten minutes

Beetje moe of gestrest en toe aan een rustmoment doe dan elke dag aan een beetje mindfulness ,geef je geest en lichaam die rust..

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Seatrial Nirvina

Seatrial proefvaart Nirvana Oceanco The Netherlands  last week on the North Sea

back from seatrials passing Maeslantkering Rotterdam, march 22

March 21, 2012 - The Gepke 3, drag with the assistance of the Brethren Wedding XV, the yacht Nirvana of Oceanco Alblasserdam  to Rotterdam, via the Koningshaven and the Erasmusbrug. In the Waalhaven the compass adjusted.There are also several experiments done in order to adjust the motors.

21 maart 2012 -  De Gepke 3 versleept met assistentie van de Broedertrouw XV het yacht Nirvana van Oceanco Alblasserdam naar Rotterdam Waalhaven via de Koningshaven en de Erasmusburg. In de Waalhaven is het kompas van het yacht Nirvana afgesteld. Ook zijn er diverse proeven gedaan om de motoren af te stellen.




source bron. brugbarendrecht  Joop Klaasman

Saturday, April 21, 2012


You can create transparent backgrounds as well as transparent objects within your image, I use it to make my animated gifs,  you can do that with photofiltre Adobe photoshop, and online with the Lunapic editor click on edit and then on transparent.
Je kunt een transparante achtergrond maken van je afbeelding, ik gebruik het om mijn animated gifs mee te maken, je kunt dat doen met PhotoFiltre, Adobe Photoshop, en online met de Lunapic editor klik op edit en vervolgens op transparant te klikken.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Floriade 2012

World horticultural expo with more than 100 participants The Floriade is a world horticultural expo organized in the Netherlands every 10 years. Floriade will acquaint you with more than 100 gardens and pavilions with unique flowers and plants from all around the world.

De Floriade is een wereld tuinbouw expo die ééns per 10 jaar in Nederland wordt georganiseerd. Floriade laat u kennis maken met meer dan 100 tuinen en paviljoens met unieke bloemen en planten van over de hele wereld.


Dave makes short comedy films and animations, starring himself and various animals, things on chairs and mischievous mouse pointers view his site Sheepfilms

Dave maakt korte comedy films en animaties, met een hoofdrol voor zichzelf en verschillende dieren, 
dingen op stoelen en ondeugende muisaanwijzers, te bekijken zijn site Sheepfilms 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tech Nior

A gallery of cinemagraphs with movie stills that come to life.   Tech Noir

Monday, April 09, 2012

Den Haag

A mural painting in the Hague taken by Roel Wijnants more photos on his site. 

Een muurschildering op site van fotograaf Roel Wijnants, hij fotografeert het dagelijkse leven in Den Haag.

Eadweard Muybrigde

Eadweard Muybridge conducted motion-sequence still photographic experiments and is often called the "Father of the motion picture" even though he did not make films in the manner we know them as today. Eadweard Muybridge displayed his work on the zoopraxiscope, which he invented in 1879. The zoopraxiscope projected a series of images in successive phases of movement. These images were obtained through the use of multiple cameras.

Eadweard Muybrigde werkte met fotografische experimenten en wordt ook wel de "Vader van de film", hoewel er geen films worden gemaakt met zijn uitvinding vandaag de dag . Eadweard Muybridge gaf  zijn werk weer met de zoopraxiscope 1879, zijn uitvinding de zoopraxiscope wordt geprojecteerd in een reeks beelden dat uitmondt in een beweging.  

Eadweard Muybrigde, Eadweard Muybrigde