Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Stereoscopic photography recreates the illusion of depth by utilizing the binocularity of human vision. Because our two eyes are set apart, each eye sees the world from a slightly different angle. Our brains combine these two different eye-images into one, a phenomenon that enables us to "see," ever so slightly, around the sides of objects, providing spatial depth and dimension. Stereoscopic views, or stereographs, consist of two nearly twin photographs -- one for the left eye, one for the right. Viewing the side-by-side images though a special lens arrangement called a stereoscope helps our brains combine the two flat images and "see" the illusion of objects in spatial depth.

create your own

Op de website vind je een enorme collectie stereografische afbeeldingen, geanimeerde gifs en anaglyfen. Het verschil tussen de klassieke stereografie en anaglyfen zit hem in het feit dat stereografie gebruikmaakt van twee foto’s die samen één foto met diepte vormen.

Stereographic Drawings

Dain Fagerholm is an artist/illustrator living in Seattle who creates beautiful stereographic drawings. He first sketches the monsters and landscapes, then converts the illustrations into Stereographic Gifs

Dain Fagerholm is een kunstenaar / illustrator afkomstig uit Seattle, hij maakt onder andere stereografische tekeningen. Hij schetst  monsters en landschappen, en zet zijn illustraties vervolgens om in Stereografische gifs.

via Presurfer

Thursday, March 08, 2012

No Smoking

No smoker

To be honest it's no drawing of my ,I found it on the internet, a pitty I can give no one the credits, so I gave some fire..

Om eerlijk te zijn dit is geen tekening van mijn hand, wel  tegengekomen op het internet kan helaas niemand de credits geven,  maar ben wel zo vrij geweest om er leven in te blazen.

No smoking fire

Chop your Youtube

Chop and cut easily a funny or interesting section from any YouTube video and share it.

Knippen in een Youtube filmpje om alleen dat ene leuke stukje te laten zien,  doe je onder andere met de bovenstaande links.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Imgur makes sharing images with the Internet easy. It can be used to share pictures with friends, as well as post images on message boards and blogs. You can manipulate the image a number of ways and automatically submit it to popular sites such as reddit or digg. You can also view popular user-submitted images in the gallery. Best of all, Imgur is free.

Imgur maakt het delen van foto's op het internet gemakkelijker. Het kan gebruikt worden om foto's met vrienden te delen, maar ook om foto´s op forums message boards en blogs te plaatsen. Imgur is volledig gratis.

Thursday, March 01, 2012


You will be able to get each parts of a picture. You can select the number of horizontal and vertical slices. Crop is useful when you need to adjust picture to your needs. Enter an url OR select picture from your pc (gif,jpeg,png) (Max 2 Mb = 2000 Kb)

You can simply add text on 3 differents mods : over a picture (uploaded from computer or from an Url (max 2Mb)) over a canvas (which represents a space where you can add text), or over a shape (badges, signs....)

Picreflect is an easy web tool that will make a cool reflection of picture. Select the options you need, and load a picture from pc or url (max 1Mb), to get a reflection.

Select a picture from your computer OR enter an url. Choose options you need (distance, background-color...) and generate result. Info : Picture format : (gif,jpeg,png) and the size max for a picture is 2Mb = 2000 Kb



Really simple generator of picture into ascii text, html. 

Zet je foto´s om in ascii tekst